Elevate Your Business with ApiThings AI Tools

Enhance efficiency and decision-making with ApiThings’ suite of AI products, each designed for optimal performance in their specialized fields.


Empower Your Sales Team, Maximize Your Revenue

Scoutify.ai revolutionizes the sales process with advanced AI-driven prospecting tools, tailored to automate lead generation and qualification, helping teams close deals faster and more efficiently.


Innovate and Strategize for Market Success

Teamwith.ai is your partner in product innovation and market analysis, providing insights and strategies that position your offerings at the forefront of the industry.


Navigate Compliance with Confidence

Ordain.ai is dedicated to ensuring your business meets the complex regulatory requirements of AI and SaaS within Europe, offering peace of mind and a clear path to compliance.


Elevate Your Brand, Engage Your Audience

Symbolize.io specializes in sculpting your digital voice with tailored content creation and marketing strategies designed to amplify your online presence and engage your audience effectively.

Our Vision

To revolutionize the integration of AI in business, making advanced technology accessible and transformative for companies of all sizes across the globe. We envision a future where every business can leverage the full potential of AI to innovate, grow, and compete in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Our Expertise - Tailored AI Solutions to Propel Your Business Forward

Experience the Future of Custom AI Development with ApiThings

  • In-Depth Consultation & Strategy Development. Begin your journey with a comprehensive consultation to understand your unique needs. Our experts craft a bespoke AI strategy that aligns with your business goals, ensuring a seamless integration of AI into your operations.
  • Custom AI Agent Creation. Leverage our cutting-edge technology to develop your own AI agent. With a focus on dual-pane interfaces for interactive engagement and real-time analytics, we deliver solutions that are not just smart, but also intuitive and transparent.
  • Strategic AI Integration. Integrate AI seamlessly into your existing systems with our expert guidance. From enhancing customer experience to optimizing operations, our tailored AI solutions are designed to elevate your business in every aspect.
  • Ongoing Support & Evolution. Our commitment doesn't end with deployment. We provide continuous support and updates to ensure your AI solutions evolve with your business and the latest technological advancements, guaranteeing long-term success and adaptation.

Get Started on Your Next Big Idea

Our offices

  • Lyon
    4 rue de la république
    69001, Lyon, France